About the project

A journey around the UK, a book, and an adventure in ecology and community - to see how when people come together as groups and take action without waiting for others' permission they can successfully lower their emissions, saving resources and money, and having fun in the process..

This blog features excerpts from stories about TRANSITION TOWN BRIXTON and plans for a new reuse centre as part of a zero waste vision, LAMMAS eco-village, THE FIFE DIET reviving local food on Scotland's east coast and beyond, islands and land reform and community ownership in the West of Scotland, and FEASTA - radical approaches to finance. I am posting other news and info in an occasional blog called the Low Impact Adventure

It is also intended to start a conversation with others interested in sharing what they are doing to look at different examples of 'community' from a traditional island to an intentional eco-village, and show how we can all learn from each others' experiments and change the narrative of climate change from one of fear and denial to one of hope, creativity and fun as we learn to make more from less, and revalue the resources we have...


Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Chapter 1 notes: Brixton

The image for many people of 'Transition Towns' - if they are familiar with the concept is of the sleepy village: like Totnes in Devon, where Rob Hopkins founded the movement, or Ambridge in the Archers, which despite its fictional status may seem more real to many than existing or incipent transition towns...

But Brixton, whose market boasts goats' meat, pigs' tails, chickens' feet and saltfish, plantain, okra, breadfruit and yams - and is home to every nationality from Jamaican to Portuguese - has given birth to an amazing array of initiatives from growing - and picking - food together, to energy conservation in the neighbourhood , to learning new skills and designing out waste.